Brainstorm day 2 at Navan Centre

The aim of the second day of brainstorming was to scope out the gameplay for the two Navan Heritage Apps.

A review of the app user-testing sessions

First on the agenda was a discussion about the Ghosts of Nendrum and Siege! at Carrickfergus Castle app user-testing session. The group felt that the Ghosts of Nendrum’s interactivity and use of repeative audio feedback suited the KS2 (9-11 age group) whereas the Siege! of Carrickfergus Castle’s use of complex narrative and language made it suitable for teenagers. A group discussion of the pros and cons of different technologies such as the GPS and the accelerometer followed and it was decided that further technical testing on location was needed. The testing sessions also highlighted the importance of providing WiFi on location to make the apps accessible to all visitors.

Navan Fort Heritage App 1: mythology for the under-11s

Ellen summarised the results of the previous brainstorming session and then it was over to Antaine to describe his research into the mythology of Navan Fort. Antaine had identified a number of stories that would translate well into interactive games.  The group debated these different narratives and envisaged how technology could be used to bring each one to life. The group selected four stories featuring the young Setanta that would appeal to the young target audience.

Navan Fort Heritage App 2: interpreting the history of the site

A quick break, then it was time to discuss the second, archaeological app. After a brief debate, the group decided to target the game at the existing adult visitor market rather than attempt to attract a new teenage audience. Ellen provided an overview of her archaeological research and highlighted particular areas of historical interest. A discussion about the most engaging elements of Navan Fort’s rich heritage was needed to narrow down the content of the app. The Iron Age period was considered the most engaging and important  as there is little evidence of settlement in Ireland from this time.

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